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Kendalia.org was a concept initially developed by Steve Edmondson. After consultation with Donna Jonas (local historian for the Kendalia area and Library Director), they formed the initial core group for the development of the website.

Donna Doring Jonas correlated and expanded the initial Library collection of early history and genealogy and sought help from the extended families and friends of the current Kendalia community to strengthen and verify these records. Through many meetings with family members to solicit personal histories, genealogy accounts and obtain copies of records from families, Donna was able to assemble and publish all of the history, personal stories and genealogy in a book entitled "Kendalia a History of the Settlement 1847-1957". This book is available for reading or purchase at the Kendalia Library.

It would not possible for us to tell the early history of the Kendalia community and its families without the prior dedication and hard work of Flo Walker Mock and Hazel K. Meyers. They have been added to this core group as a special honorary members.

During the development of various portions of the book and website, additional information was contributed by interested individuals or their families. These individuals and families are acknowledged for their contribution.

Kendalia.org core group

Acknowledged for contributions


The Website was designed by E3 Webs of E3 Enterprise. It is an evolving and learning experience as more information is added to the Kendalia.org website.

If you have suggestions, comments or information that you believe would be beneficial for the site, please contact us at Kendalia.org.

The website is hosted as a public service by Nebula Software.